Nutzen Sie unser Angebot: KOSTENLOSER VERSAND!
We have a 30-day, no question asked, cancellation policy. Once the order is submitted you can cancel it with a simple email to within 30 days. In case of cancellation we will refund 100% of your money within 14 calendar days from your cancellation request. Any transaction cost will be incurred by us. Following your cancellation, in case we require return of the product we shipped to you, the cost for the return shipping is also incurred by us.
For more information or clarification about our cancellation policy, please do not hesitate to write to us at
This is the rule of law and we follow it rigorously, but we do more to protect our customers...
We do more. We are 100% confident in our product, a customer can return at no cost, at any time... not within 14 or 30 days as stated by EU consumer protection rules, literally "at any time" and 100% money back. Our Olive Oil is a real Italian product made with our own olives, cultivated and harvested by us. We are not mad, we genuinely believe that a satisfied customer is in our interest.